Mrs. Garrison is the definition of a great teacher/mentor to all of her students. When students need a letter of recommendation she always gets them done for them. She always stays late to help her students and even comes in early to help with tutoring. Mrs. Garrison gives up a lot of time for the students. She has work nights after school so that she can help her students finish projects or work. She is the sponsor of many student organizations. KPA, Future Teachers, and the Writing Club are just some. She also is a big help in the Choir Parents organization and has helped with pictures and decorations for the school musicals. One thing almost every athlete and student knows is that if Mrs. Garrison is at the event, you will have pictures. Mrs. Garrison goes to many activities throughout the school year and takes pictures and puts them on Facebook or Google for parents and students to get. For the last 4 graduations, she has taken pictures of students when they get their diploma and then puts the pictures on Facebook for them to have. This has saved many families money and has helped many families have a memory of their kids graduation moment without the stress of how to pay for it. Mrs. Garrison does all of this without asking anything for anyone. She does this because she deeply cares about her students, all of her students, no matter their social standing. She also does this for the students who go to Prom. Even though I am her daughter, she didn’t treat me like that in class and I’ve watched how all her ex-students still come up to her and thank her for all she has done for them. All in all, Mrs. Garrison is an amazing teacher and mentor to all of her students and she would be a great representative of this award.

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