My teacher Amanda Matthews deserves this award .I know many kids from other schools will say “oh my teacher is so sweet, and nice .Well, Mrs.Mathews is also sweet ,kind ,funny ,smart ,caring, and loving .Mrs. Mathews is all ways in a good mood , she waves at you every day when you walk by her , she always has a beautiful smile on her face . Mrs. Mathews is a teacher who will never have a frown on her face unless you meet her bad side.
I also think Mrs. Mathews deserves this award because she shows more love towards her students than any other teacher I know many teachers love their students but not as much as she does .All my classmates enjoy her class they talk about how she is the only reason they come to school.
I really love Mrs. Mathews ,she has impacted my life in many different ways . Mrs. Mathews always seems to care about every single kid in her class. but, Mrs.Mathews is a very good teacher ,and i know she has a very good and kind heart . She always makes sure everyone is understanding her lesson.
I don’t see why Mrs.Mathews wouldn’t be the winner for this contest .I am Rocio Ugalde and I nominate Amanda Mathews for best teacher .

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