Mrs. Sutton is a passionate and enthusiastic teacher. She puts her heart and soul into her students and lessons. She is funny and always has an encouraging word for everyone.
Mrs. Sutton is a passionate and enthusiastic teacher. She puts her heart and soul into her students and lessons. She is funny and always has an encouraging word for everyone.
I have had the privilege of working with Janet over the last ten years. She is a true champion... read more
I have known Mrs. Rowland for many years. She is a very caring teacher. She will change... read more
This Teacher Has Went Above and Beyond to Help Her Students. My daughter would not have graduated if not... read more
Mrs. Hamersly teaches students with Special Needs. She teaches the whole child and never stops finding new ways... read more
Mrs. Naef is the epitome of love and caring for her students. She makes everything personal to their wants... read more
She is always so thoughtful towards her students. My daughter comes home everyday excited to tell me what she... read more
Becca is an outstanding teacher. She is very caring and loving. My granddaughter had her last year, and still... read more
She is gentle and compassionate, treating our kids like she’d want someone to treat her kids. She communicates... read more
She is the most selfless, caring, hard working teacher at Comanche. She is always making sure her students have... read more
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