If anyone deserves to win a car is Joannie Cook she has to walk to work every single day but is very dedicated to her job and loves her students
If anyone deserves to win a car is Joannie Cook she has to walk to work every single day but is very dedicated to her job and loves her students
See really loves working with her students. She makes her class like a adventure with different activities. She has... read more
Not only does Marissa value her education but she values the education of her students. Which is why she... read more
She deserves this for many reasons. She is the hardest worker and is always doing things for others and... read more
Mrs. Driver is always willing to help in any way she can whether it’s with her students or other... read more
Jana is one of the most dependable, trustworthy and friendly teachers I’ve had the privileged of working with. She... read more
Mrs.Ingram taught me in high school. She has watched me grow from Junior High to High School. She has... read more
Diane is one of the most caring special education teachers in Wichita Falls. She loves each and everyone... read more
Mrs. Hamersly teaches students with Special Needs. She teaches the whole child and never stops finding new ways... read more
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