As many of you know teachers deserve much more than they receive. Honestly, most all teachers deserve this award. I’ve been there as a volunteer and it’s a hard job teaching. I have the upmost respect for all teachers. But this year, I would like to nominate Mrs. Annetta Garlinger. Mrs. Garlinger, has been teaching for 18.5 years. Annetta give her 120% all the time. She always make sure all her kids are well taken care of. It doesn’t matter how long ago kids have had her, they always remember Mrs. Garlinger and always wants to come back to visit, and when you talk to past students and ask if they know her their faces light up. All kids remember Mrs. Garlinger and ALL the kids love her! Every year kids request and beg to be in her class. I have spent 18.5 years watching her always give 120% to her classroom kids. Mrs. Garlinger makes sure if her kids don’t have something she anonymously gets it for them and leaves it in their desk so they don’t know it came from her. Daily, she has a little piece of candy she makes sure to give all her kids so each and everyone of them know they are special to her. She knows not all students get the attention they deserve at home. Mrs. Garlinger makes sure for the 8 hours they are at school they know they are loved. If there is something her class needs, she doesn’t think twice about buying it out of her own pocket. I cannot tell you how much money she has spent of her own money on or for her classroom kids. Yes, she is my mom, but I know better than anyone how much time, money, sacrifices we made so she could make sure her classroom kids were took care of. I don’t regret it one bit because I know it’s help make me the person I am today. Watching such an amazing woman do what she loves, not regretting going to work one day of her life. I cannot think of any teacher in my past or my kids present that deserves this more than Mrs. Garlinger.

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