She loves teaching and loves her students
Entering her classroom is like entering a world of science. She has animals, bones, fish tanks and it is... read more
she’s loving and has the kindest heart towards her kids. She makes her students feel like her own, and... read more
Teddie is a dedicated teacher that works to help her students learn and excel in their daily studies. read more
She deserves to win because she is a hard worker, is always willing to help, and is good at... read more
She is always so thoughtful towards her students. My daughter comes home everyday excited to tell me what she... read more
This teacher has gone above and beyond every day for her students. She thinks outside the box to reach... read more
I have watched her on a daily basis make a huge impact on the children’s lives. She definitely has... read more
Shawn goes above and beyond for the student’s he teaches. He spends countless hours of his own time... read more
Mrs.Hicks is the special needs teacher at Hugh Bish Elementary. She has been my daughter’s teacher for the last... read more
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