Rita is an amazing person who has a heart for helping those in need. She is patient, encouraging, loving and goes above and beyond to work hard for her students!!
Rita is an amazing person who has a heart for helping those in need. She is patient, encouraging, loving and goes above and beyond to work hard for her students!!
I have had the privilege of working with Janet over the last ten years. She is a true champion... read more
Ms. Underwood cares about her students. She builds relationships with them. She is passionate about the content... read more
She really cares about her kids and she definitely makes everything a fun learning experience. She even has a... read more
See really loves working with her students. She makes her class like a adventure with different activities. She has... read more
Ms Williams goes above and beyond for her students. She tries to keep things energetic and takes the time... read more
Mrs. Morris is a leader in our building here at Rivers Elementary. She helps many new teacher find... read more
I have been in education for 15 years and have worked in 2 different school districts. Mrs.... read more
Mrs. Rogers is a great teacher. She develops a personal relationship with her students. She has high... read more
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