Coach Griffin is more than a classroom, he is more than a football game, he is a culture. I have never witnessed an individual inspire more in all aspects of a teacher’s career. It is easy for a coach to only focus on a game or a team. Coach Griffin’s focus is a community. As an assistant principal in the high school it has been very easy to bear witness to the effects of his mentorship. Coach Griffin starts at the student level to inspire the best in all of his students and athletes. I have witnessed the change in climate and culture since Coach Griffin returned to his alma mater. I also know first hand the effects of his leadership as it once inspired me to become a teacher and advance to the administrative level. Coach Griffin has been quoted many times as saying ” I do not coach football players, I coach young men.” Coach Griffin has many public accolades and achievements but what only his students know is that he is an even better classroom teacher. Students love his personality and passion as a teacher. They enter his classroom with a desire to learn. Coach Griffin does not just leave an impact on a scoreboard or on a test result. He leaves an impact on a community. He encourages many opportunities for his team to be involved in the community. PreCovid, Coach and his team attended each local church in our community weekly. There is hardly an opportunity for community service that he lets slip out of his reach. This man, this coach, this leader I most sincerely and assuredly submit to you for your consideration as a top candidate for recognition.

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