Mrs.Ingram taught me in high school. She has watched me grow from Junior High to High School. She has always pushed me to be the best I could be. She supported me through everything and she was always there if I needed someone to talk to. She truly cares about every student that steps into the school. She goes above and beyond for everyone, the students, the teachers, and the parents. She is involved in everything the school puts on, and she is always there to take pictures and capture every little moment. Many former students, when asked, will say Mrs.Ingram was their favorite teacher, and if you have ever met her, you would completely understand why. As busy as her life is, she is always willing to stay late to grade or to simply help someone that needs it. Despite everything she has gone through, she has always had a strong willpower and is determined to push through no matter the circumstance. For these reasons, and many more that I could write a book about, is why I think she deserves this award.

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