Because she does her art class and she teaches us how to like do lines and she walks around and helps if you need help.
Because she does her art class and she teaches us how to like do lines and she walks around and helps if you need help.
Mrs. Driver goes above and beyond for her students everyday. She loves and adores all her students. Just hearing... read more
My teacher nominee, Señora Ramirez-Sanchez, is among the most charismatic, relatable, and shamefully under appreciated teachers that I have... read more
She cares about her students no matter their learning level. She is positive and encouraging. She is one of... read more
Sarah strives to not only educate her students (her kids!) but to also impact their lives in a positive... read more
This teacher has gone above and beyond every day for her students. She thinks outside the box to reach... read more
Major Redfearn is highly regarded and respected in the Lawton-Ft. Sill Community. He is dedicated to all students, to... read more
Shawn Duthie is the epitome of teaching excellence. The fruit of his care, concern, and compassion for students —... read more
Hello, I am nominating Coach Neeb because I have heard from several parents, myself included how their girls come... read more
Mrs. Young is such a blessing! She was our oldest son’s pre k teacher and is now our youngest... read more
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