Megan deserves to win the Teacher Appreciation Award because of the the road she took to become a teacher. Teaching wasn’t Megan’s first choice in a career. But sometimes life happens and God has other plans for our lives. After dropping out of college, to work full time to help her husband support their newborn, Megan always had the desire to go back and finish her degree in Finance. Years go by and after the birth of her second child, Megan realized how much she loved teaching and kids. Her and her husband agreed that she should go back and finish her degree to teach. Megan sacrificed so much to finish her degree, nights at school and longer nights studying while her husband was Mr. Mom for their two children. Megan is now a 5th year teacher at Barwise Middle School and also has continued her education to obtain her Masters Degree. Megan loves her students and lives to see them succeed. Megan is also a leader at her school to her fellow teachers. Megan would be a great teacher to honor with his award.

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