Mrs. Aguilar goes above and beyond to make sure her students receive the best teaching experience. My son feels very comfortable asking her for help and he knows very well that she will do what is necessary in order for him to understand the material being taught. She worries about her students well being, and makes sure I, as a parent, feel comfortable asking her questions about my sons teachings as well.


She is an amazing person with a passion for seeing her students grow personally and academically. She puts in so many extra hours making sure everything gets done.


Ms. Dennis is such a loving person. She truly cares about the wellbeing of each child and wants them all to succeed. She is happy to take the time to explain or help out anyway she can. She is known for going above and beyond for her students.


Jana is one of the most dependable, trustworthy and friendly teachers I’ve had the privileged of working with. She is on several leadership committees, coaches Dictionary Skills for UIL and remains a steadfast leader for our 5th grade ELAR deparment. Our team is better because she is here. She loves her students and always has a smile and encouraging word for them. She pushes her students to be more than just kids who make good grades. She encourages them [...]


Stacy is a very Patient and caring teacher she works with the special-ed students. These students are the severe and profound students . She has students that are unable to walk some that need bathroom assistance , and some that are non-verbale. Stacy has been doing this know for over 5 yrs. She has a heart of gold when it comes to her Students.


Because she makes a good relationship with all the kids and if I need help on something she will always help me and she teaches in a good way where everyone can understand and she doesn’t just teach because she has to she actually if like a best friend to us. We can talk to her about anything and she will keep it to herself and when we are out of school she will say hi instead of ignore [...]


Leslie goes above and beyond for not only the students, but the teachers as well. She keeps in contact with all parents, but more importantly those students who are struggling in the classroom. She is always lending a helping hand, and stepping in when others are not so eager to do so. She has been a great help to myself being a new teacher. She has helped me tremendously. I don’t feel so overwhelmed as a new teacher with [...]