My English teacher Mrs. Matthews deserves this award because she tries really hard to help us get a higher level in our education. She also is there if you need her help, in school and out of school. She’s constantly telling us how much she loves us and how we’re good students. This is really good because some kids have difficult lives at home. Her attitude towards things is great because she is always positive. She’s sometimes a little [...]


My English teacher Mrs. Matthews deserves this award because she tries really hard to help us get a higher level in our education. She also is there if you need her help, in school and out of school. She’s constantly telling us how much she loves us and how we’re good students. This is really good because some kids have difficult lives at home. Her attitude towards things is great because she is always positive. She’s sometimes a little [...]


Brigit taught both of my children (inside and outside of the classroom). I have sent her text messages when I didn’t understand something and asked if she could help one of my kids figure it out. She did. She not only gives it all to our school but her husband is recovering from Hodgkin’s lymphoma, she is a mother of 5 and dedicated teacher. She deserves to win because she gives it all EVERYDAY. Her [...]


Mrs. Kowena came into our lives 2 years ago. My daughter struggles to read and make friends. We didn’t know it at the time but my child struggles with dyslexia and auditory issues. Mrs. Kowena made sure her room ,the lunchroom, and playground was all inclusive! She put in extra time helping not only my child but others that struggled grasp basic concepts that others take for granted. We are now in 3rd grade and she still checks [...]


This young lady greets every single student with a smile every day. She goes above and beyond to make sure that they all understand the material she is teaching and does her best to present the material in a fun and engaging manner. She also tries to instill a sense of self discipline, responsibility, and accountability into every student in the school. She is respectful and polite to all the parents. She works countless hours at home grading papers [...]


This teacher has gone above and beyond every day for her students. She thinks outside the box to reach them all with a unique style of teaching that makes learning fun. She encourages the students to be their best every day and also recognizes when a child is struggling and needs a boost. She keeps parents informed and does what she can to help in any way possible.


Mrs. Preston’s teaching methods and styles are very forward thinking. Many of her former and current students are positively impacted by her compassion and fairness of wanting them to succeed in and out of the classroom. Many of Mrs. Preston’s former students become very productive members of society while pursuing Degrees or joining the workforce. Mrs. Preston’s current students always look forward to her class because there is always something new that will enhance [...]


Kelli always puts her students first. She works hard to provide the best education for each of her students. She has and excellent relationship with her fellow teachers. She also takes time to be a Junior High cheerleader sponsor in addition to her elementary duties. She has been chosen as a Teacher of the year. She would be very deserving of this recognition.


Mrs.Teakell is the type of teacher that puts your childs well being first and foremost. Mrs.Teakell teaches my child on my child’s level. She has made my child feel loved, comfortable and she has opened her mind to new things.