I worked side by side with Natlyn for 5 years. I have literally watched her perform miracles in the lives of special needs children. I have witness many who the parents had given up on achieve goals that seemed above their reach. It was because of Natlyn’s dedication, consistency, wisdom, and love. She has been AJH’s teacher of the year twice in her career. The lives of many are better because of her.


I think we can all look back and remember that one teacher who we can truly say made a difference. That one teacher who sparked an interest or lit a fire within us to want to learn more. At Tomlinson Middle School , there are several teachers who would fit that description. Since we can choose one, I’ve nominated Dr. Jan Thomas . She truly sparks such an interest and a desire to learn more and more by [...]


Dr. Thomas goes above and beyond for her students. If the students could vote, every single one of them would nominate her. She makes Science so fun for her students that even the ones who said they hated Science before taking her class now absolutely love it….all because of the type of teacher she is. She loves coming to work and never complains. She’s very given and I believe she deserves this.


Mrs. Ashley Ghrayyeb should be selected to receive this phenomenal award because she is the the embodiment of what an Oklahoma Teacher should be. She’s kind, caring, giving, compassionate, and determined to help her students succeed. She gives them the best possible first year of school experiences and makes their Pre-K year so special by going above and beyond what the job calls for. She cooks with them, plans special learning experiences for them, and even invites her students [...]


Mrs. Shilling has worked hard to be the best teacher she can be. She teaches 3rd grade which is very difficult since it is a testing grade. She keeps her students interested in the content which is a feat in itself. Dawn is always prepared. Not only does she do a great job at teaching her students, she also recently received her Master’s Degree. All this while continuing to teach. She is truly [...]


Ms. Ballard is an amazing kindergarten teacher. She has a large class with lots of personalities and she is able to manage everything so well while still teaching the children and making each one of them feel special. My son LOVES going to school every day and always says how fun she makes everything, not to mention how much he has learned and grown in just the 1st semester of school!


She is a fun loving teacher! Loves teaching and spending time with the kids. She has had a hard year but has persevere me through it and has not let it affect her relationship with the kids or her teaching. She is an amazing person.


Ms. Hollifield teaches a self-contained Emotionally Disturbed class of 6th-8th Graders. She cares for each student and their unique needs. Ms. Hollifield uses a variety of teaching techniques to reach each student. This is not an easy class to teach and Ms. Hollifield comes in each day with a positive outlook and gives her all to her students.


Ms. Granger puts in 1000% to her special kids at Tomlinson Middle school and to hundreds more in the Great Plains area. Ms. Granger plays a key role in helping TMS run smooth. She interacts with kids in a positive manner that may have emotional, behavioral or intellectual disabilities. She organizes all the area Special Olympics events, making sure each kid gets to participate if they want. She has fundraisers to help athletes get to Summer and Winter games. [...]


Mrs. Hanson works endlessly to bring innovative methods of learning into her classroom. It is her personal endeavor to help each child discover the potential that lies within them. Her relentless efforts to show students how much they are cared about is seen all over campus. Mrs. Hanson is always bringing a new idea to the table, and works day after day to see that they are carried out. She is compassionate, understanding, patient, and most [...]