This teacher goes above and beyond to love and support her students. She not only supports them in the classroom, but also outside of the classroom by attending games, recitals, events, etc.


Mrs. Allen is a fun loving teacher. She makes class fun for her students and they love her for that. She is kind and fair. She plans lesson and activities that the students enjoy. She did a Thanksgiving lesson on letter writing, where the student actually mailed letters to someone thanking them for something special. It was a great real world lesson for her students. Mrs. Allen is especially good at helping students [...]


Ms. Underwood cares about her students. She builds relationships with them. She is passionate about the content she teaches. She researches new trends to engage her students. She uses technology right; not just to keep kids busy, but to help them learn the skills they need. Other teachers seek her out to learn from her. Teachers are leaders and Ms. Underwood is a leader!


Jami, though my wife, is my inspiration to teach. She has consistently been able to reach ” that kid”. There is always ” that kid” that is a little tougher to talk to, control, help and keep on task. Every year she gets kids to benchmark and pass the third grade kids that she is told won’t make it. She is able to reach kids that are unreachable, some how and someway. She [...]


Mrs. Christian is an outstanding teacher, she is making a difference in the lives of her students. She teaches our special education students, she guides them to be the best they can be and she expects nothing less from them. She helps them to have pride in themselves and others. These students all work on different levels and she accommodates for their needs. She pushes every child to be the best at what they are [...]


Mrs. Christian is so nice, sweet, and caring to her students and Para’s. She always goes above and beyond for her students! Also, she is a reason why I look forward to going to work. She puts everyone first before herself. These are just a few reasons why she deserves this award!


Mrs. Garrison is the definition of a great teacher/mentor to all of her students. When students need a letter of recommendation she always gets them done for them. She always stays late to help her students and even comes in early to help with tutoring. Mrs. Garrison gives up a lot of time for the students. She has work nights after school so that she can help her students finish projects or work. She is the sponsor of many [...]


Mrs. Morris is a leader in our building here at Rivers Elementary. She helps many new teacher find their way, mentors others when they need suggestions and works as a leader to help make decisions. Anytime she has been asked to do a task, she goes above and beyond to make it happen. Her parents, students and coworkers respect her and her opinion. She works many hours beyond the school day to help make the [...]


Mrs. Neely puts 100% of her heart into teaching her students how to prepare for the future. As a special education teacher, many of her students directly impact the work force after high school. She has helped to pioneer a Corner Store that sells foods and drinks to the students at Altus High School. Her students learn how to take inventory of the store, how to count back change, and how to interact with customers. She looks for opportunities [...]


Chrisie goes above and beyond. She does so many extra things to make school fun for her students. She also goes out of her way to involve parents and help her coworkers and she never expects anything in return. My son is in her class this year and has learned to like school because of her.