Mrs. McKenzie teaches robotics at Altus High School. This is a new class, and she is lacking funding to purchase the materials necessary to effectively teach this class. The students are really excited to take a robotics class, and I think funding her classroom will only increase the interest in this class.


Mrs. Hamersly teaches students with Special Needs. She teaches the whole child and never stops finding new ways to ensure they are learning at their levels and beyond. She strives to ensure that each one is working toward becoming as independent as possible. She is caring, kind, and totally dedicated to each one of her students.


Mrs. Bledsoe taught both of my daughters in Kindergarten. One in Jr High and the other a 1st grader and to this day Mrs. Bledsoe is a topic of conversation. She has a love for books and now my girls love to read. She has a way of teaching that is fun and able to reach students and touch their hearts. My daughters are both straight A students and while my girls work hard at school I can’t help [...]


Mrs.Hicks is the special needs teacher at Hugh Bish Elementary. She has been my daughter’s teacher for the last 3 years! Every time she shows up she’s always so sparkly and bright. She has a whole team And together they achieve great things! I feel like it takes a special person to work with the ones who need most help and that’s Mrs.Hicks!


Ms. Hall is a great teacher who puts her whole heart into her teaching and treats all her students, past and present, as her own babies. She has taught 2 of my children so far for 3 different years who no longer struggle near as much with school as they did before thanks to her taking the extra time out of her busy schedule to help them and made sure they understood. Shes one of the few teachers [...]


To start, I need to give a slight back story. I am a substitute teacher in a district that frequently doesn’t have enough subs to cover all positions. I went to sub at Edison Elementary School in Lawton, OK as a long term substitute for a maternity leave position. The pregnancy ended up being high risk so I had to start the second week of school and work full time for the next 15 weeks! The teacher that I [...]


Ms. Rodriguez is one of the most selfless people I know. She constantly goes above and beyond making sure her students never EVER have to go without. She works multiple jobs, and will pick up extra shifts during the week or on the weekends to make sure that her students and her three personal children will always have what they need and more. She never complains about being tired, stressed, or worried. She would [...]


Mrs. Langston has been teaching for over 20 years. I have been lucky enough to be her assistant and in turn, have her as my mentor. Not only does she mold me into the educator I want to be, but she is also a dear friend. She uses many techniques to help every child, no matter their learning styles or difficulties. She is also a part of the leadership and hospitality groups in our school and helps with fundraisers [...]


Ms. Hendri is an absolute God send! Every single day she goes above and beyond for her students and their parents. She teaches, cares for, and loves the children as they are her own! She is a true professional who deserves recognition!


Ms. Denney is always sending out notices via an app called remind to tell us about projects and keep us up to date with current updates in the classroom. She is very easy to talk to and our daughter loves her. She is not only a blessing to our daughter, but to us, keeping us in the loop with our daughters learning and what she feels like needs to be focused on. She is the most dedicated teacher I [...]