She is a good nice fun teacher
my child asks if she can go to school on Saturdays and sundays to see her teacher!!! To me... read more
Mr. Swatzell puts his heart and soul into every aspect of his job. He does everything he can to... read more
She deserves to win because she is a hard worker, is always willing to help, and is good at... read more
Because she makes a good relationship with all the kids and if I need help on something she will... read more
Mrs. Moore is a wonderful Christian teacher who loves her students and works very hard, even on weekends, to... read more
Mrs. Morris is a leader in our building here at Rivers Elementary. She helps many new teacher find... read more
Mrs. Turner is one of the hardest workers I know. She is always working and that is why I... read more
She goes above and beyond for her students. She is very caring and makes learning fun. Students feel loved... read more
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