Mrs. Sutton is a passionate and enthusiastic teacher. She puts her heart and soul into her students and lessons. She is funny and always has an encouraging word for everyone.
Mrs. Sutton is a passionate and enthusiastic teacher. She puts her heart and soul into her students and lessons. She is funny and always has an encouraging word for everyone.
She is such an inspiration for all of her students! She is amazing in all ways and everyone loves... read more
She is always so thoughtful towards her students. My daughter comes home everyday excited to tell me what she... read more
Mr. Crabb is an amazing teacher, he goes above and beyond for his students daily. He is the best... read more
She is brilliant! She’s loyal to Duncan Public Schools and has had an incredible impact on the community as... read more
Mr. Hawkins teaches at Fame which is an alternative school. The kids there need some extra attention. Mr. Hawkins... read more
Mrs. Rogers is a great teacher. She develops a personal relationship with her students. She has high... read more
When thinking of Kim the things that come to mind is a woman who teaches whole heartedly to every... read more
She really cares about her kids and she definitely makes everything a fun learning experience. She even has a... read more
Mrs. Cassetty deserves to win this award because she puts everything she has into her students. She puts so... read more
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