This Teacher Has Went Above and Beyond to Help Her Students. My daughter would not have graduated if not for this teacher. My son is now in her classes and she is also helping him. She deserves the world.
This Teacher Has Went Above and Beyond to Help Her Students. My daughter would not have graduated if not for this teacher. My son is now in her classes and she is also helping him. She deserves the world.
Works well with students and parents in all science classes. All students do well all TAKS and in physics... read more
He is my son’s art teacher, karate teacher and youth pastor. Mr Croy serves the Lord 1st and is... read more
Mrs. Cassetty deserves to win this award because she puts everything she has into her students. She puts so... read more
Shawn Duthie is the epitome of teaching excellence. The fruit of his care, concern, and compassion for students —... read more
When thinking of Kim the things that come to mind is a woman who teaches whole heartedly to every... read more
I think Mrs.Blackburn is the best teacher in the world! She deserves this award, because of her love for... read more
Shawn goes above and beyond for the student’s he teaches. He spends countless hours of his own time... read more
Quinn is amazing with the kids. She is patient with them, but also pushes them to achieve their goals.... read more
She is always so thoughtful towards her students. My daughter comes home everyday excited to tell me what she... read more
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