She loves teaching and loves her students
Shawn goes above and beyond for the student’s he teaches. He spends countless hours of his own time... read more
He is my husband but he is also one of the most dedicated teachers I know. This year has... read more
Our son is deaf and Mrs Stevens is so patient with him and his needs. She has amazing communication... read more
I had Ms. Blackburn when I was in 6th grade, and she was always ready to teach everybody and... read more
Coach Griffin is more than a classroom, he is more than a football game, he is a culture. I... read more
This is Kinsley’s third year to teach and her second year at Calera Early Childhood. She has gone... read more
She is a very loving teacher, encourages her students to excel & helps them to excel. She also prays... read more
She is brilliant! She’s loyal to Duncan Public Schools and has had an incredible impact on the community as... read more
Mrs. Bledsoe taught both of my daughters in Kindergarten. One in Jr High and the other a 1st grader... read more
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