I would like to nominate my daughter, Rebecca Moore. I have noticed her love for children since she was a senior in high school. Teaching is not a job to her it’s her true calling. Often times she spends her own money for her students to succeed. She makes sure none of her students go without. They are not just her students for one school year, they are her students for life! She [...]


See really loves working with her students. She makes her class like a adventure with different activities. She has a Facebook pages and shows activities and pictures.She shows a love for the children in her class and I appreciate that.


In my opinion I think my teacher nominee deserves to win the teacher appreciation award because she is very friendly with everyone and always helping everyone else run some errands in her free time.


She is the most selfless, caring, hard working teacher at Comanche. She is always making sure her students have everything they need. If not she will take her own money and buy it for them. She is always helping other teachers, PTO comity, and ruining others errands on her break. She is one of the best teachers I know and she can never be thanked or appreciated enough!


She is gentle and compassionate, treating our kids like she’d want someone to treat her kids. She communicates well via a class fb group and a daily communication folder in the child’s backpack.


As many of you know teachers deserve much more than they receive. Honestly, most all teachers deserve this award. I’ve been there as a volunteer and it’s a hard job teaching. I have the upmost respect for all teachers. But this year, I would like to nominate Mrs. Annetta Garlinger. Mrs. Garlinger, has been teaching for 18.5 years. Annetta give her 120% all the time. She always make sure all her kids are well taken care of. It doesn’t [...]