Exceptional educator who has been nominated by her peers for Teacher of the Year. Caring yet exacting, she motivates her students to new levels of excellence. In addition to being a phenomenal English teacher, she is also an incredible Track Coach, covering both Distance and Sprint events. She is also a Professional Rodeo Cowgirl with numerous championships in Pole Bending. She truly demonstrates Excellence In All We Do!


She provides a level of teaching that most public schools are not able to obtain. She also teaches young students online from china every morning at 5:00 a.m. how to read and write english.


If anyone deserves to win a car is Joannie Cook she has to walk to work every single day but is very dedicated to her job and loves her students


I have watched her on a daily basis make a huge impact on the children’s lives. She definitely has a big heart when it comes to HER students. It takes a special heart to work with Special needs children and she definitely does have it!! She tries various ways to make their learning fun yet they are still retaining the knowledge she is teaching them.


Mrs Mitchell is a dedicated teacher. She loves reading and sharing an adventure with her students. She’s always willing to help any student present, former or future . Her goal is to see that our children can read and grow into the citizens this world needs ! In today’s times there are many challenges our teachers have to overcome not only absent parents , challenged students and a world that is on the edge of destruction. [...]


Mrs. Foret deserves to win this teacher appreciation award because she brought the love of math back to my son. She went the extra mile to ensure that he understood the math concept for the day. She would even answer questions after school hours via her parent app. She is the true definition of a quality teacher because she not only carries about her students but about her peers. She is a military spouse and she wears that title [...]


Mrs. Sutton is a passionate and enthusiastic teacher. She puts her heart and soul into her students and lessons. She is funny and always has an encouraging word for everyone.