Because she loves what she does and cares about her students she has a heart of gold
Because she loves what she does and cares about her students she has a heart of gold
I think we can all look back and remember that one teacher who we can truly say made a... read more
I have been in education for 15 years and have worked in 2 different school districts. Mrs.... read more
Not only does Marissa value her education but she values the education of her students. Which is why she... read more
Mrs. Cassetty deserves to win this award because she puts everything she has into her students. She puts so... read more
As a first year teacher, Disa has submerged herself in doing her best for her kids in class and... read more
She deserves to win because she is a hard worker, is always willing to help, and is good at... read more
Mr. Hawkins teaches at Fame which is an alternative school. The kids there need some extra attention. Mr. Hawkins... read more
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